Weekly fellowship
The annual church business meeting will be held during the corporate gathering on Lord’s Day, March 2, 2025.
We would like to announce that this year’s International Memorial Day Blending Conference will be held in Phoenix, AZ, from Friday, May 23, through Monday, May 26, 2025. We would like to extend an invitation to all the churches and individuals to participate in this gathering.
The meeting schedule is as follows:
1st meeting: Friday, May 23........................................... 7:30 PM
2nd meeting: Saturday, May 24................................... 10:00 AM
3rd meeting: Saturday, May 24...................................... 7:30 PM
4th meeting: Lord’s Day, May 25...................................9:30 AM
5th meeting: Lord’s Day, May 25................................... 7:30 PM
6th meeting: Monday, May 26..................................... 10:00 AM
All the meetings will be held at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown, Phoenix Grand Ballroom, located at 340 North 3rd Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004 and will be open to the public. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Some additional languages may also be included.
Lodging: Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
There is a special group rate of $129.00 USD per night plus tax for single and double occupancy rooms, a $20.00 USD fee per person, per night will be applied for triple and quadruple occupancy rooms. For room reservations, please call 866-837-4213 and request the Living Stream Ministry group rate. To make online reservations at the special group rate, please go to: https://book.passkey.com/e/50863439.
Reservations must be made on or before April 28, 2025, in order to get this reduced rate. Check-in is 4:00 PM or earlier if rooms are available and check-out is 11:00 AM on May 26, 2025. An early departure fee of $129.00 USD will be charged for early check-out if the hotel was not notified of the change at check-in.
Hotel website address: https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/phxgp-sheraton-phoenixdowntown/overview/
A limited number of hotel rooms at the Living Stream Ministry group rate are set aside at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown. Saints are encouraged to make their hotel reservations as early as possible in order to get the discounted rate. We would ask the saints to reserve only those rooms that they intend to use and to cancel their reservations as soon as possible if they are unable to attend the conference. Reserved rooms that are released after the cut-off dates listed below will not be available to the saints at the discounted rate.
Care for children from Kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided during the conference meetings at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown. Please register all children attending the conference online at Conference Childcare Registration: https://form.jotform.com/243344327979165.
All childcare registration submissions will receive an email confirmation with additional instructions. Please register all children no later than May 1, 2025.
Please pray that the Lord will take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during this gathering.
Both the live and archived messages of the 2025 International Memorial Day Blending Conference will be available to view at lsmwebcast.com. The LSM Webcast site, lsmwebcast.com, will not require login credentials to access the messages of the conference. The videos of the messages will be available for free for a period of 30 days after the conference.
We hope that all the churches and all the saints will prepare for this upcoming time of ministry and fellowship and will sanctify these days for the hearing of faith among us everywhere. Please pray for His blessing upon this conference. May it turn out to be a memorial among us to the shame of God’s enemy and to the glory of God’s grace!
The 2024 Church in Irvine offering acknowledgment letters have now been distributed by email from offering@churchinirvine.org. If you are expecting one and haven’t received it, please check your other folders (including your junk folder), and if you do not find it please email us at that address. While all donations to the church in Irvine are generally tax deductible, the IRS only requires taxpayers to obtain acknowledgment letters for individual donations of $250 or greater. Therefore the acknowledgement letters only reflect donations meeting that criteria.
The church in Madrid, Spain, would like to purchase a house next door to its meeting hall for approximately $1.5 million, that would, together with the meeting hall and a second neighboring house already purchased and owned by the church, give the church possession of an entire city block. By such consolidating the ownership of the whole block, the church anticipates multiplying its capacity to host conferences and receive hospitality for the purpose of blending, since Madrid plays a central role in the Lord’s move in Europe’s Iberian Peninsula. If you are burdened to make a donation to be applied towards the purchase of this house in Madrid, you can do so directly or through the church in Irvine’s website by designating your offering as being for the “Madrid House”. For the full letter from the church in Madrid, please click here.
Since starting the Truth Pursuit program in March 2005, the church has covered 1,624 Life-Study messages at a relatively modest pace of 2 messages per week! Anyone following this program would have now read 81.85% of the 1,984 total messages in the Life-Studies, including both Old Testament and New Testament. At this pace, we will complete the Life-Studies in their entirety by sometime in 2026!
Reading two messages of the Life-Studies a week is very feasible. For instance, the Life-Study of Zechariah has 97 pages broken up into 15 chapters. This translates to slightly more than 2 pages of Life-Studies daily (assuming you read 6 days a week). Depending on the pace of reading, this could take roughly 5 minutes of your time each day.
Additionally, in order to assist your digestion of the Life-Study messages, the church can send you emails each week with study questions to direct your considerations for each Life-Study message. If you do not receive these emails currently, you are welcome to join the church’s email distribution list by clicking HERE and signing up to receive these emails.
Given the reasonableness of following the church’s truth pursuit schedule, we encourage all the saints to join in this corporate pursuit of the truth in the ministry together as we all seek to arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ! (Eph. 4:13)
To follow the current reading schedule, please refer to the schedule under the Truth Pursuit tab.
Offerings to the church in Irvine can now be made via Zelle.
The church’s Zelle account is: Zelle@churchinirvine.org
The benefit of making offerings by Zelle is that there are no transaction fees charged to the church. If the offering is for a particular matter please designate that in the memo field.
If your Zelle limit is below the offering amount you would like to give, it is often possible to raise that limit by requesting that your bank increase your transaction limit.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For those already using Zelle related to other matters (e.g., paying rent for corporate housing), you should continue using the same Zelle address as before.
For any questions please email offering@churchinirvine.org. (Note: Do not Zelle funds to this email address)