Weekly fellowship


  • Pray that a number of saints will receive the Lord’s burden to serve in French-speaking Europe for one to three months to meet the urgent need for continued shepherding of the new ones the Lord has put into our hand.

  • Pray that by summer 2025 there will be a team of 20 full-time serving ones in Paris to take care of the Lord’s needs throughout France and French-speaking Europe, and pray for the release of long stay visas for these saints.
  • Pray that many students, families, and mature saints will migrate to France within the next several years for the Lord’s interest.
  • Pray that the Lord will raise up new lampstands in Rouen, Lille, Versailles, Mertzig (Luxembourg), Geneva (Switzerland), Marseilles, Toulouse, Caen, Nantes, and Montpellier.
  • Pray for brother Frank Prano from Irvine, who has gone to France for a multi-month shepherding trip, that the Lord will preserve and strengthen his entire tri-partite being, and cause his function to be a blessing to the new ones and to the church in Paris.

Brother Frank Prano has provided an update from France, which has been excerpted and may be accessed via this link.

(Reports concerning the ongoing short-term shepherding trips can be found on:  https://www.amanatrust.org.uk/page/reports. An invitation letter to participate in ongoing short-term shepherding trips to care for the seeking ones in French-speaking Europe is available at:  https://www.lordsmove.org/reports.htmlThose who are burdened for the migration to France can find information at https://www.lordsmove.org/application.html.)

  • Pray that the Lord will provide the necessary funds, construction permissions, and serving ones to carry out the construction project for the full-time training center in London and for Woodland Camp.
  • Praise the Lord that the funds needed to purchase the house in Madrid have been received! The Lord has supplied this need in and through His Body to advance His move on the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Pray that the amount of approximately €500,000 that is needed to remodel a newly acquired property in Riga will be provided by the Lord through His Body.
  • Pray for the propagation in Siem Reap to gain key persons and families for a more stable church life.
  • Pray for many seekers of the truth to be gained in North India for the Lord’s testimony.


  • Pray for the vitalizing of the saints in all the local churches, that the God-ordained way could be carried out for the building up of the churches and for the churches’ continual increase.
  • Pray that the Lord will stir up a greater seeking after God among the people in this country. 
  • Pray that more Recovery Version New Testaments and ministry literature would get into the hands of the seeking ones.
  • Pray that the college students contacted during the recent full-time training gospel trips would be established, be brought into the homes of the saints, and be gained for the church life as building material for God’s house. 


  • Pray that the Lord will release all the junior high sisters to go to this conference.
  • Pray that the Lord will use the speaking brothers to speak for Him to meet the needs of the junior high sisters, and even to meet each one’s specific need.
  • Pray that all the time, including the car rides, meals, cabin times and recreation times, will be used to blend the young sisters with one another and with the serving ones, and to establish or strengthen spiritual companionships that will continue throughout the year.


  • Pray that the ones who received the Lord in the Chinese-speaking gospel meeting will have the definite experience and realization of Christ living in them as the eternal life.
  • Pray that all the ones not yet saved will receive the Lord, and that all who received the Lord will be baptized.
  • Pray that the saints will allow the Lord to work in them and to raise them up as shepherds, so that each new one will receive the needed care to grow in a healthy way and be added to the church.
  • Pray that the Lord will use this fellowship time with the parents of the children through 6th grade to strengthen the spiritual care of their children, both at home and in the church’s children’s work.

(For details concerning this fellowship time, please see the “Announcements” section of the Weekly Fellowship.)

  • Pray for the Lord to bless all the labor of the saints in raising up and perfecting our young generation, including the children, the young people, the university students, and the young working saints.
  • Pray for the health and vitality of all the small groups, that the Lord would use them to recover the dormant saints, to bring the gospel to the unsaved ones, and to shepherd the new ones.
  • Pray for the perfecting of the saints, and for the saints’ willingness to be perfected, so that there will be an increase in the level of life in the church, and the flow of life will carry the saints forward toward God’s goal and become a river that waters the wilderness of Irvine and causes many in this city to live.

The above are some of the current prayer burdens that the saints may bring to the Lord in their personal or corporate prayer; however, the saints should be exercised to follow the leading of the Spirit in their prayer.