Weekly fellowship
Pray that a number of saints will receive the Lord’s burden to serve in French-speaking Europe for one to three months to meet the urgent need for continued shepherding of the new ones the Lord has put into our hand.
Pray that by summer 2025 there will be a team of 20 full-time serving ones in Paris to take care of the Lord’s needs throughout France.
Pray that the Lord will raise up new lampstands in Rouen, Lille, Versailles, Mertzig (Luxembourg), Geneva (Switzerland), Marseilles, Toulouse, Caen, Nantes, and Montpellier.
Pray that many students, families, and mature saints will migrate to France within the next several years for the Lord’s interest.
- Pray for brother Frank Prano from Irvine, who has gone to France to participate in the shepherding of the new ones, that the Lord will strengthen his spirit, soul, and body and supply his every need as he lives and serves in the church in Paris.
(A report concerning the ongoing short-term shepherding trips can be found on: https://www.amanatrust.org.uk/page/reports. A recently posted video report, together with a PowerPoint presentation, on the Lord’s present move in French-speaking Europe can be viewed at: https://www.lordsmove.org/reports.html. That webpage also has an invitation letter to participate in the shepherding trips. Those who are burdened to migrate to France can find information at https://www.lordsmove.org/application.html.)
Pray that many saints, not only from the Baltic States and Nordic countries but also from other Russian and English-speaking churches, will join the blending fellowship over these three days for the building up of the Body of Christ.
(For information about this conference, please view this webpage: https://bnconferences.org/?
- Pray that the Lord will provide the necessary funds, construction permissions, and serving ones to carry out the construction of the full-time training center in London and on Woodland Camp.
(Video and written reports concerning the status of the UK Building Project can be found on: https://www.amanatrust.org.uk/
Pray for the Lord to raise up and gain the seeking ones who can become His testimony in Iceland.
(A report on the Lord’s move in Iceland can be found at: https://www.lordsmove.org/reports.html.)
Pray for more new ones to be gained and for more students to join the saints that the young people’s meeting can be established.
- Pray that God’s throne will rule in Israel and the Middle East, in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, in the United States as it undergoes a change in administration, and in every nation and region of the world, so that God’s wisdom and Christ’s victory over the forces of darkness will be manifested and God will carry out His move to gain His chosen ones, work Himself into them, and build them up into His corporate expression that would be His prepared Bride for whom He would return.
Pray for those of the household of the faith, that the saints’ needs would be met by the Lord directly and through the attentive care of the fellow members of His Body, so that none would be overwhelmed but would experience Christ in this time of loss, trial and uncertainty.
Pray for the people of Los Angeles, that the existing campus labor, especially at UCLA and USC, would continue and would bear much fruit, and that in the communities the saints will be one with the Lord to show compassion and care to those in their circle to bring the Lord’s healing presence to them.
Pray that the Lord will protect the interests, assets and properties for His move in Los Angeles and in the adjacent communities, including all the churches in Southern California and the Oak Glen Conference Center.
Pray that the Lord will head up all things in Christ through His constructive economy amidst the destructive chaos.
Pray that the Lord’s hand will follow His word released in this weekends’ Spanish-Speaking Saints’ Conference in Anaheim, and the saints will enter into all the matters that they heard.
Pray for the leading brothers in the church in Irvine, that the Lord would protect and cover them in every way for their service to the Lord and the church.
- Pray for the oneness of the brothers and for the Lord’s leading of them, so that they would know how to take the church on in 2025.
Pray that the saints would be open to be perfected to live a life of shepherding, making the church life in Irvine sweet, warm and intimate.
Pray that through the mutual shepherding, all the saints will experience being both sheep and shepherds, so that the needs of each saint will be met and the church will build itself up in love.
Pray that many new ones will be gained in a solid way through the saints’ shepherding, receiving the nourishing and the perfecting necessary to have the normal growth.
Pray for the Lord to bless the campus work and the church life of the college students and those serving them, as a new quarter and semester begin at UC Irvine and IVC.
Pray for the strengthening of the full-time team.
Pray that the Lord would grow in all of the students and would solidify the new ones in the church life, so that they would remain to be built into God’s house.
Pray that the enemy would be bound and his works destroyed so that God’s interests on the campuses would be advanced in an unhindered way.
The above are some of the current prayer burdens that the saints may bring to the Lord in their personal or corporate prayer; however, the saints should be exercised to follow the leading of the Spirit in their prayer.