Reports & Testimonies

Testimony from 1st Term Trainee


Hi all the saints in Irvine,


This is Ann, I'm in my first term in the training, closing to the end of the term. I very much enjoyed the virtual training as I don't have any previous experience to compare with. Praise the Lord for His divine arrangement for me to be in the training at this time. This training is though different, but definitely is the training that I need. The Lord knows how to train us even in this environment. I appreciate the trainers told us that this should be an even more intense uplifted training, because we are very much on our own, it is up to us if we would let the Lord to train us! Everyday, we need to learn to live by the inward regulation in our spirit. This definitely caused me to go before the Lord and fellowship more with others to be under His training.

I particularly was impressed and enlightened to see God's Economy in a fresh way. Before, this term to me was so vague and hard to grasp, even though we have a song about it and I can memorize it in two languages. My eyes were open to see that all things we practice and do should be and for God's Economy. God's Economy is God working Himself into men. My reading the Bible, praying before the Lord, singing, is to let God work Himself into me. This is God's Economy. We may not have so many things outwardly due to pandemic, but in contacting people, doing house chores, or going through any suffering, these are all opportunities to let God work Himself into us. The way is simple, by simply turning to the person living in our spirit because He is the only one who can fulfill God's Economy. When we turn and let this person, Christ lives in us in all things we do, then we are in God's Economy and in the process of fulfilling God's Economy. I'm so glad that in this training, I am still fulfilling God's economy by letting Him to train me in many little things, so He can work Himself more into me! Praise the Lord!


Ann Wong, first term trainee sent from Irvine

Much grace to all the saints!

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